Monday, May 26, 2008

Help Thank Our Veterans

On this Memorial Day, please don't forget to thank those who have served our country so that you and I can live in the freedom that we do.

Senator Barack Obama issued this statement today:

"On this Memorial Day, our nation honors the generations of patriots who were willing to give their lives to defend this country. While we may come from different places, cherish different traditions, and have different political beliefs, all Americans hold in reverence those who’ve given this country the full measure of their devotion. They are a shining example of what’s best about America.

Today is also a reminder of our obligation as Americans to serve our fallen heroes as well as they served us; as well as the wounded warriors I’ve had the honor of meeting at Walter Reed have served us; as well as the troops in Iraq, Afghanistan, and around the world are serving us. That means giving the same priority to building a 21st century VA as to building a 21st century military. It means having zero tolerance for veterans sleeping on our streets. It means bringing home our POWs and MIAs. And it means treating the graves of veterans like the hallowed ground it is and banning protests near funerals.

So on this day, of all days, let’s memorialize our fallen heroes by honoring all who wear our country’s uniform; and by completing their work to make America more secure and our world more free."

Together we can change this country, but that is only possible becuase of the service and sacrifice of so many brave men and women. Don't take our freedoms for granted - America is our home, and we should thank them everyday for making that home safe and free for us.

God Bless All of You, and God Bless America.

*Obama 2008*

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