Tuesday, May 27, 2008

4 More Years of the Same

John McCain has one thing to offer the American Public: 4 more years of failed George W. Bush policies. As someone who campaigned for President Bush in 2004, I know how engulfing the Republican political machine can be. As a 7th grader I made phone calls, stuffed envelopes and went door to door to preach Republican ideals and beliefs. However...after 4 years of educating myself, and looking beyond the right's propaganda, I have discovered the hypocrisy within the Republican party.

John McCain makes no effort to separate himself from the hypocrisy of the right. He was once a "maverick" who would stand up for what he believed was right, regardless of party lines. He voted against the Bush tax cuts, he criticized Bush's execution of the war in Iraq and he was moving towards a position in which he was an independent thinker, not a Republican robot. But now, as John McCain runs to become the President of the United States...he supports Bush's tax cuts, he supports Bush's approach in Iraq..and today, in my home town of Phoenix, he is holding a closed-door fundraiser with the President. The event was moved as reported by MSNBC at 12:30, because the White House wanted to avoid cameras. Convenient for a candidate who is claiming he is not 4 more years of the same, but has no actions to show for it. Words in politics may convince some, but the majority need to see action or examples of trying to accomplish what you are preaching in speech after speech. Our country cannot afford 4 more years of failed Bush policies.

As problems with the economy grow, gas prices rise, our reputation in the international community continues to crumble and our GIs are being denied educational benefits...4 more years of failed Bush policies will continue to cripple this nation. Barack Obama is a candidate for this country that believes in Change...that wants to make sure that the policies of the last 8 years are not repeated. This election is about more than Republican or Democrat, rich or poor...this election is about uniting our country. In the 2000 election, we were promised a compassionate conservative who would bring the factions together. And all we received was a president who took us to a quagmire in a war that should have never been waged and never been authorized. He has crippled our economic system by not decreasing our reliance on foreign oil...and when asking the Saudis for more oil...they say no. He has harmed our environment, failed in our emergency response to events like Hurricane Katrina and has created a government that disrespects the civil liberties of its citizens, and has allowed warrant-less wiretapping and water boarding to continue in the name of the United States of America.

The past 8 years have brought the American to a point where change is in everyones heart. Republican or Democrat, we all love our freedom...and together we need to fight to preserve it. John McCain on Memorial Day offered Barack Obama a tour of Iraq to see the progress that he speaks of. However, John McCain voted against increased educational benefits for returning Iraq war veterans...he has supported a failed war policy that has led to a decrease in U.S. credibility abroad. Barack Obama is the leader we need in this country. His campaign is not run by lobbyists, it is run by the drive and dedication of the American people. He had the judgement to understand that a war in Iraq would be detrimental to U.S. security...and he has an economic policy that wants to restore the middle class and bring prosperity back to the lives of each and every American.

This election provides a choice between failed policies of the past, and policies of change and prosperity that will bring America back to the greatness seen in previous generations.

Barack Obama brings those policies of change. And if you will stand with me in this campaign to help elect him as President of the United States, you will be standing up for yourself against the failures of the past 8 years, and be standing for a change that will bring Hope back to America.

Our time is now.

Obama 2008
*I will update the blog again tonight after attending the demonstration that will protest the president's visit in Phoenix. We are ensuring that the citizens of Phoenix understand the hypocrisy of the McCain 2008 campaign.

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