Monday, June 16, 2008

The Choice We Have

Today, as Al Gore announces his support for Senator Obama, and as thousands of Obama Fellows in High-Needs States begin their organizing work, we must remember the choice in this election. This is not about two candidates, or even the issues that they agree or disagree on. This election is about the opportunity for Change in America, and the opportunity to restore the American Dream. Yes, there are issues that help define which candidate can actually bring that change, but we cannot lose sight of the big picture. Senator Barack Obama for over two decades has fought for Change in his community, in his state, and now for his country. We all honor the service of John McCain, and at no time should that service be questioned. However, as well look towards the challenges that face this country and the decisions that must be made in the next 4 years, we all must realize the severity of the situation we face.

John McCain has served this country honorably, but that does not entitle him to the White House. He claims he is a maverick, who has broken away from his party, and this president, many times. John McCain is right in some of those times, he has disagreed with his party, but many of those times were before 2006. As the 2008 Republican Primary approached, John McCain began to move back towards his party. In 2007, McCain voted with the Bush Administration 95% of the time. The John McCain of 2000, a candidate who I may have supported, has been corrupted by Washington politics and is now running for a 3rd Bush term.

In contrast, Sen. Obama has not been corrupted by Washington, and in fact as early as 2006 was still viewed as a rookie who didn't understand how the city worked. In a time where Washington politics are stuck in gridlock and partisan bickering, the last thing this country needs is more "Washington Experience" that clouds a politician's vision and judgement. Sen. Obama has risen above the partisan divide and has reached across the aisle to help push for ethics reform, budget management and social issues such as health care and education. Sen. Obama believes in the American spirit and its ability to overcome the challenges of an economy in recession, two international wars and the growing health care crisis, but he also believes that the next president must help Americans along the way. He doesn't believe in a socialist system, or in only taxing the rich as ads from the GOP may claim...instead, he believes in giving opportunity to EVERY AMERICAN and helping EVERYONE reach the American Dream.

This election must be different...we cannot get caught up in the bickering about pastors or wives or acquaintances from the past. Instead, we must focus on the pressing problems facing this country today, so that the correct solutions will be implemented tomorrow. This is our time to make a difference in the lives of millions. This is our chance to restore the American Dream and build a better America for the generations of tomorrow. Don't let this opportunity pass you by, don't let yourself become complacent in this important election. Whether it is a donation of $5 or $500, whether you make 10 or 10,000 phone calls, whether you attend one volunteer event or host 5, this is our chance to make our voice heard, and to be apart of a movement that's goal is to restore the greatness of America.

Together, we will UNITE for CHANGE that we can BELIEVE in and that WORKS for us.

Barack Obama provides that Change, and with our help, he will be sworn into office on January 20, 2009.

Please Visit! There are so many ways that YOU can get involved, and through getting involved, you are playing a role in this movement for Change.

Monday, June 2, 2008

From the Steps of Springfield

Over 16 months ago, from the steps of the old capitol in Springfield, Illinois...Senator Barack Obama announced his candidacy for President of the United States, and his desire to bring true change to Washington. Now, as all the votes have been counted, and Senator Obama has reached the delegate of 2,118 that guaranteed him the nomination of the Democratic Party...we must reflect on the 16 months that have brought us the first African American who is the nominee of a major political party.

Only 232 years ago, as revolutionaries fought for independence against the oppressive British Empire, those same founding fathers allowed slavery to continue. By the 1860's, the U.S. had moved beyond the horrors of enslaving African Americans, but now...the country was divided North and South. By the 1960's, there was a King who brought change and who inspired millions to fight for equality. At the end of an era that brought us voting rights, educational equality, a woman on a bus, and a dream from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial....our nation moved towards equality for all, and opened the doors for the sight that we see today.

16 months ago, the political pundits and party leaders were ready to anoint Hillary Clinton as the presumptive nominee. They never thought that an African American man named Barack Hussein Obama could ever come close to winning over the votes of millions of Americans. It took people like you and I to stand up to these pundits and force them to listen. Through raising 58 million dollars by June 2007, Barack Obama was no longer the oddball in the field. Through moving from state to state and city to city Sen. Obama introduced himself to the American people. He spoke of his mother from Kansas and his father from Kenya. He discussed his childhood in Hawaii and Indonesia and he showed the American people that he believed in them...he believed in the ability of all of us to stand up to the divisions that harm us and fight for unity and progress. In front of thousands of people he discussed health care and foreign policy and inspired a generation of youth to care about politics. Sen. Barack Obama knew that this election wasn't going to be about who knew the game better, or who had been in Washington longer. Sen. Obama knew that this time, the American people wanted something different...they wanted to stand and say "not this time" to the pundits of division, they wanted to stand tall and say "YES WE CAN" to change and hope for America. Sen. Obama realized that this election was not about him, or Hillary Clinton or John was about the American people who are struggling to pay their mortgage, fill their tanks and insure their families. Through addressing these issues, Sen. Obama became a political "rock star" and began to reshape American politics.

I have a part of this campaign since February of 2007. I have been inspired by Sen. Obama since his unity speech at the Democratic National Convention in 2004. Through watching the Senator progress throughout this campaign, I have never been more proud or thankful for a politician in this country. From the beginning, I realized that this election was not like all the rest...The election was going to bring change to this country. The past 16 months have been tough, and there have been moments of disappointment and sadness, but now looking back...I can say that it was worth it. It was worth the division of Hillary vs. Obama, it was worth the Wright scandal and the losses in Ohio, Texas, California and many others. It was worth it...because this country looked past the color of a man's skin...and looked into his character. Through all the talk of running mates and Obama's future...I think the importance of this moment for our country has been lost. An African American man is one of two possible candidates for the Presidency of the United States. 40 years ago, even Martin Luther King Jr. would have laughed at this thought, that our country, the United States of America could be this close to electing an African American to the White House. I feel like we must all pause and be thankful for this moment in our history...this is more than a political campaign, this is a victory for equality. Our country progressed so that we can now look past color or gender when discussing political leaders, its not longer about "she's a woman" or "he's black" as reasons of defeat...this generation, my generation has been able to move beyond the divisions of the 1950s and 1960s. My generation accepts the differences between individuals and embraces those differences and benefits to our society. Barack Obama has inspired my generation, and has made this campaign about more than votes or victory in an election.

It is not often a political leader is able to inspire millions to join their cause. The crowds of support for Senator Obama have never been seen in history before. The 75,000 that attended an Obama rally in Portland, Oregon...the consistent 15,000-30,000 person turnout around the nation...Barack Obama has a power to energize the American People, and energize a movement towards change. His campaign is not only about being the Democrat against John McCain, his campaign is about more than Change from Bush policies, his campaign is about bringing people together with a common purpose to build a movement to make a difference in America. This difference is not only about policy...Senator Obama has brought together rich and poor, black and white, young and old, republican and democrat, gay and straight, christian and atheist....this campaign is about working together for America. It is about returning to the era where hope and dreams were the center of daily life. It is about restoring opportunity and reviving the American Dream so that ALL Americans can experience success. This campaign is about giving affordable health care to all so that 46 million Americans can be healthier. It is about bringing an end to war that has caused the loss of thousands of U.S. troops and more than 100,000 Iraqi civilians. This campaign strives to restore U.S. credibility in the International Community, and bring America back to the Humanitarian leader of the world where is never allowed, because it is not OK, and where diplomacy brings our friends and enemies to the table to create real solutions. This campaign stands to change the way politics are more 527 attack ads, no more mudslinging that clouds the debate...this campaign has been run without the help of lobbyists or PACs...this campaign has been funded by the American People and has organized a movement for this change. As we look forward to the fall, and as the GOP machine is sure to try and derail our movement...we must not forget where we came from. We must not forget the 16 months of change that we have fought for. We must not forget why we are doing this, why it is important and why we must win. We cannot forget, we cannot lose sight of our goals and we cannot give up until we win this election and bring change to this country.

From the Steps of Springfield, this nation witnessed the beginning of a movement...and now, as we move towards the November 4th, we must stand as Sen. Obama did on those steps...and we must make our voices heard. From West to East, Florida to Michigan, from the slums of LA to the mansions of the Hamptons, from the desert of Arizona to the corn fields of Iowa, from the porches of the deep south to the beaches of the Northwest...we must stand and say "YES WE CAN!" Together, WE CAN change this country. Together, WE CAN unify. Together, WE CAN make a difference. Together, WE CAN provide health care to all. Together, WE CAN end this war and bring our troops home. Together, WE CAN restore the American Dream. Together, WE CAN bring Hope back into the Hearts of Millions. And Together, WE CAN elect Barack Obama as our next President of the United States and create true CHANGE we can BELIEVE IN.

Obama 2008 - Hope, Change, and Unity for America.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

What a Day in American Politics

The past few days have been rather uneventful in the political arena. The media has been concentrated on the growing McClellan scandal and its impact on the administration, so there has been little election news.

But over the past 24 hours, alot of news has risen on the election scene.

First, John McCain's gaffe concerning troop levels in Iraq. In a speech focusing on Iraq, McCain assured voters that U.S. troop levels were almost below pre-surge levels and that more troops were coming home. Unfortunately for McCain, 120,000 is the pre-surge level, but right now our troop level is at 130,000 and the Pentagon reports that troops will actually be increased to 140,000. So, not only are we not bringing troops home to be "close" to the pre-surge level, more troops are actually being sent over. When criticized, McCain fell back on the fact that Obama has not been to raq in 872 days. Convenient for McCain to argue this, since his many visits to Iraq made sure that he knew troop levels, he knew the difference between Sunni and Shia, and who was connected with Iran and he knew how safe the streets of Baghdad were. Oh wait, he didn't know the proper troop levels, he didn't know the difference between Sunni and Shia, and thats right, his 100 man protection force while he was on the "safe" 1 square block of Baghdad makes me feel so secure. Last time I checked, I didn't need a 1 man protection force in safe neighborhoods of the U.S. but hey, maybe I'm mistaking?

Second. Today the DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee (RBC) to decide the fate of Michigan and Florida. After much deliboration, the final conclusion was a 100% representation of both delegations, with each delegate and superdelegate receiving half a vote. Florida's delegation will be sat based off of the January results, while in Michigan, Clinton will recieve 69 and Obama 59 delegates. Throughout this progressive committee meeting, there were some partisans who attempted to divide the party. Most importantly, Harold Ickles, a senior adviser to the Clinton campaign used fear words of "hijacked" and threatened to move forward to the credentials committee to appeal the ruling. The crowds were very disrespectful at times, and I was quite disapointed in many of the supporters, of both campaigns, who couldn't act like respectful adults. Overall, I am pleased with the results, not becuase it is good for Obama over Clinton, which some may argue it may be, but instead, I feel it was the most fair way to seat the delegations. After reading up on the proposals, as well as listening to over 7 hours of debate on the proposals today...I felt that there was no other way to seat Michigan, and that the Florida seating was expected and needed to be fair to the 48 states who did comply. So bravo RBC, you have truly taken a step towards party unity.

Third, Obama has resigned from Trinity Church of Christ. While many may claim this is politically driven, I feel that this was a personal choice based off of his failed relationship with Rev. Wright. I think Sen. Obama felt betrayed by Wright as well as betrayed by many of the members of the church. As a result, he made a personal choice within his family to end his membership with the church. While the media turn this into a political story, I would like to commend Sen. Obama for standing above the fray on this issue and showing the American public that it's not about who you know or who you have known in the past, it is about who you are as an individual, and your character, and I think the American people will judge Obama based off his character, and not that of his pastor.

Overall, a good few days for Senator Obama. With the RBC ruling, Chuck Todd from MSNBC predicts that following Puerto Rico tomorrow and South Dakota and Montana on Tuesday, Obama will be just 20 or so delegates away from the nomination. I think this is the week of Pelosi, Gore, Reid and other high profile endorsements. After over 17 months of campaigning, the end is finally near, and now we can look forward to John McCain.

Obama 2008 - We have defeated the Clinton Machine, Bring it on GOP, we will defeat your machine too!

Change For America!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The End is Near

As many pundits on the networks discuss the McClellan book that links the Bush Administration to the lies that many have speculated for years about the Iraq War...they are overlooking an important release by the Clinton Campaign today.

Reports on CNN's Political Ticker outline the fact that many in the DNC feel that a compromise is possible when seating the Michigan and Florida delegates, but that little impact will be made on the current race. Furthermore, CNN reports that Hillary Clinton today refrenced the fact that we "Did not come all this way in this historic primary to lose in November". Hillary Clinton continues to make the argument that she is most electable in November due to the electoral map that was seen in 2004.

The Clinton Campaign today released a memo and letter to the remaining undecided superdelegates that outlines the Clinton path to the presidency. She claims to have won the popular vote, the primary delegate vote and to be the most electable against John McCain in November. Unfortunately, this is yet another example of the changing metrics that the Clinton Campaign has utilized throughout the primary process.

First, at the beginning of the primary season, Hillary Clinton while campaigning in Iowa agreed with the punishment against Michigan and Florida (and many pundits describe this as an appeal to Iowa voters who view thier position in the Primary Process as sacred). Now, as Clinton's chances for the nomination are dwindling, she claims that disenfranchising Michigan and Florida voters is similar to denying civil rights to all Americans, or denying women the right to vote. This switch is clearly a political appeal and has been overlooked by many in their analysis of the Clinton Campaign.

Second, Clinton claims that she will win the "Popular vote" and that she has recieved the most amount of votes in any primary race in U.S. democratic history. Unfortunately, what the Clinton campaign is NOT telling how they calculate the "polular vote". First, they include Clinton's vote totals from Michigan and Florida (which are currently not valid) and only include Obama's vote totals from Florida (Obama was not on the ballot in Michigan, but over 40% of voters voted "Uncomitted" and those votes are implied as votes for Obama as described by almost every political analyst). So, the Clinton campaign removes over 400k votes from the Obama total from Michigan. Furthermore, the Clinton campaign removes votes from selected caucuses that Hillary Clinton did not do well in. These caucuses include: Iowa (But remember, when she was campaigning in Iowa until her 3rd place finish...she would have counted Iowas vote totals), Alaska, Idaho, Nevada, Colorado. So, the western states that Clinton views as "red states" are not counted in either vote total even though Barack Obama won many of these caucuses by over 15%. So convenient for the Clinton Campaign, that she is "ahead" in the "popular vote" by removing (or disenfranchising) the votes of millions of Americans to make sure that she is winning in the new metric that she wishes to decide this election by.

Third, Clinton believes that she will be ahead in "primary" delegates, that do not include super or "caucus" delegates, because she is behind in superdelegates, caucus delegates and total delegates according to DNC rules.

Fourth, the Clinton Campaign continues to change the metrics of the race in order to appear ahead where her prospects for the nomination continue to dwindle. At the beginning of the race when she was campaigning in Iowa and New Hampshire, she called for the importance of delegates, and how pledged delegates would show the voice of the people. Then, the Clinton Campaign, following Barack Obama's 11 victories in a row after Super Tuesday, the metric was shifted to total delegates, including super delegates, becuase Clinton held a lead in superdelegates. Then, as that lead began to dwindle, the Clinton campaign refrenced the fact that Superdeleagates had to choose the strongest candidate, rather than the candidate that won their state. Then, when that strategy didn't work, Clinton reminded "pledged" delegates that they werent actually pledged, and that they could vote for any candidate. As the delegate math became grim, the need for the seating of Michigan and Florida became Clinton's new argument. So, the total delegate needed for the Nomination of 2025 as set by the DNC and refrenced by the Clinton Campaign leading up to Super Tuesday was disregarded by Clinton's top advisers. Her campaign Chairman Terry McCalufe stated that he would not "accept the math without Michigan and Florida...2025 is not the needed number". When John King of CNN refrenced DNC rules, McCalufe responded by saying that "math without Michigan and Florida is not real". When the delegate math was over for Clinton and she began to fall behind in all delegate metrics, the popular vote was the most important. But then caucus states wouldn't be counted, and their vote totals were not "official". And with the twisted math, Clinton could finally find a metric that was manipulated enough by her advisors to calculate a bogus victory.

Fifth, Hillary Clinton argues that she is the strongest candidate to beat John McCain in the fall. In the words of Chris Matthew: "She is missing the big picture" and Tim Russert: "The math works better for Obama". Clinton's claim rests in the fact that the electoral map will be the same as it was in 2004, where Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida are the key states for either party to win in order to win the presidency. Unfortunately, even if this map were the reality for 2008, Clinton's claim is weak. She argues that she is the only one that can win all 3 states...but is that the truth? Maybe. She definately is currently leading in all 3 states in the polls, but the reality is...Obama is winning Pennsylvania and Ohio in the polls and trailing by about 8 pts according to Real Clear Politics. But, when looking at the WHOLE electoral map, the future for Clinton doesn't look so bright. Obama is winning Wisconsin, New Mexico, Colorado, Michigan and Iowa as well as only trailing McCain by 1.3 points in Virginia. Clinton on the other hand is trailing in Wisconsin, New Mexico, tied in Colorado and Michigan and losing both Iowa and Virginia by over 7 points. So, while she may be able to win Florida, a mere 25 electoral votes over Obama...he will win over 50 extra electoral votes through his victories in the above states. Obama's strategy from the start has been to avoid the map of 2004 and fight for the western and midwestern states that could go blue in november. In a state like Arizona, McCain's home state, Obama is only trailing by 9 points, while Clinton trails by over 20. The ability of Barack Obama to move beyond Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida allows him to run a 50 state campaign in which Democrats will do better nationwide.

So, in analyzing Clinton's metrics as well as her claims to be the "stronger" must realize that she reall isn't and that her quest for the nomination is all but over. She has run a terrific campaign, and she is a very formidable candidate, and a great democrat. But after over 17 months of campaigning, it is time for the Democratic party to unite behind their nominee: Barack Obama and ensure that the double talking John McCain is not in the White House come January of 2009.

Polls and Statistics were gathered from CNN Poll of Polls, and

A video of John McCain that you must share with your friends and family:

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Organization for Peace

Today people in Phoenix and Mesa Arizona sent John McCain and President George W. Bush a message. We stood up and told these two "leaders" that we are tired of this war, and that we will not stand for 4 more years of the same failed policies.

Over 1000 people protested the visit of the President throughout the day, even after he shifted his fundraiser location due to a lack of tickets sold and the want for a closed ceremony. This is remarkable in a conservative area like Mesa...but our progressive movement continues to grow, and I truly believe that Arizona can go blue in November.

In helping with that movement, I have been selected as an Obama Fellow and will be participating in that program in Arizona. I will begin that program in the middle of July, which is when my blogging will really start to increase, but in the mean time I will continue to update with events in the campaign and my participation in volunteer events and future demonstrations.

Our time has come. Stand with me today. Let us bring CHANGE TO AMERICA.

Obama 2008

Pictures from the events:

4 More Years of the Same

John McCain has one thing to offer the American Public: 4 more years of failed George W. Bush policies. As someone who campaigned for President Bush in 2004, I know how engulfing the Republican political machine can be. As a 7th grader I made phone calls, stuffed envelopes and went door to door to preach Republican ideals and beliefs. However...after 4 years of educating myself, and looking beyond the right's propaganda, I have discovered the hypocrisy within the Republican party.

John McCain makes no effort to separate himself from the hypocrisy of the right. He was once a "maverick" who would stand up for what he believed was right, regardless of party lines. He voted against the Bush tax cuts, he criticized Bush's execution of the war in Iraq and he was moving towards a position in which he was an independent thinker, not a Republican robot. But now, as John McCain runs to become the President of the United States...he supports Bush's tax cuts, he supports Bush's approach in Iraq..and today, in my home town of Phoenix, he is holding a closed-door fundraiser with the President. The event was moved as reported by MSNBC at 12:30, because the White House wanted to avoid cameras. Convenient for a candidate who is claiming he is not 4 more years of the same, but has no actions to show for it. Words in politics may convince some, but the majority need to see action or examples of trying to accomplish what you are preaching in speech after speech. Our country cannot afford 4 more years of failed Bush policies.

As problems with the economy grow, gas prices rise, our reputation in the international community continues to crumble and our GIs are being denied educational benefits...4 more years of failed Bush policies will continue to cripple this nation. Barack Obama is a candidate for this country that believes in Change...that wants to make sure that the policies of the last 8 years are not repeated. This election is about more than Republican or Democrat, rich or poor...this election is about uniting our country. In the 2000 election, we were promised a compassionate conservative who would bring the factions together. And all we received was a president who took us to a quagmire in a war that should have never been waged and never been authorized. He has crippled our economic system by not decreasing our reliance on foreign oil...and when asking the Saudis for more oil...they say no. He has harmed our environment, failed in our emergency response to events like Hurricane Katrina and has created a government that disrespects the civil liberties of its citizens, and has allowed warrant-less wiretapping and water boarding to continue in the name of the United States of America.

The past 8 years have brought the American to a point where change is in everyones heart. Republican or Democrat, we all love our freedom...and together we need to fight to preserve it. John McCain on Memorial Day offered Barack Obama a tour of Iraq to see the progress that he speaks of. However, John McCain voted against increased educational benefits for returning Iraq war veterans...he has supported a failed war policy that has led to a decrease in U.S. credibility abroad. Barack Obama is the leader we need in this country. His campaign is not run by lobbyists, it is run by the drive and dedication of the American people. He had the judgement to understand that a war in Iraq would be detrimental to U.S. security...and he has an economic policy that wants to restore the middle class and bring prosperity back to the lives of each and every American.

This election provides a choice between failed policies of the past, and policies of change and prosperity that will bring America back to the greatness seen in previous generations.

Barack Obama brings those policies of change. And if you will stand with me in this campaign to help elect him as President of the United States, you will be standing up for yourself against the failures of the past 8 years, and be standing for a change that will bring Hope back to America.

Our time is now.

Obama 2008
*I will update the blog again tonight after attending the demonstration that will protest the president's visit in Phoenix. We are ensuring that the citizens of Phoenix understand the hypocrisy of the McCain 2008 campaign.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Help Thank Our Veterans

On this Memorial Day, please don't forget to thank those who have served our country so that you and I can live in the freedom that we do.

Senator Barack Obama issued this statement today:

"On this Memorial Day, our nation honors the generations of patriots who were willing to give their lives to defend this country. While we may come from different places, cherish different traditions, and have different political beliefs, all Americans hold in reverence those who’ve given this country the full measure of their devotion. They are a shining example of what’s best about America.

Today is also a reminder of our obligation as Americans to serve our fallen heroes as well as they served us; as well as the wounded warriors I’ve had the honor of meeting at Walter Reed have served us; as well as the troops in Iraq, Afghanistan, and around the world are serving us. That means giving the same priority to building a 21st century VA as to building a 21st century military. It means having zero tolerance for veterans sleeping on our streets. It means bringing home our POWs and MIAs. And it means treating the graves of veterans like the hallowed ground it is and banning protests near funerals.

So on this day, of all days, let’s memorialize our fallen heroes by honoring all who wear our country’s uniform; and by completing their work to make America more secure and our world more free."

Together we can change this country, but that is only possible becuase of the service and sacrifice of so many brave men and women. Don't take our freedoms for granted - America is our home, and we should thank them everyday for making that home safe and free for us.

God Bless All of You, and God Bless America.

*Obama 2008*

Sunday, May 25, 2008


Hello All,

My name is Chase and I am probably the biggest Barack Obama supporters you will ever meet. I truly believe in the Senator's plan for America and the movement that he has created that is hungry for change. His campaign is not limited to the political ambitions of one individual, it is inspired by each and every American and their hopes and dreams for this country.
America is the most beautiful country on earth, and we have done so many great things. However, over the past 8 years, we have lost respect around the globe, and it is important that we work to rebuild that. Barack Obama has a plan to rebuild our relationship with the international community as well as restore our health care system so that the 46 million Americans currently without healthcare can get it. He wants to bring an end to the war in Iraq that should have never been authorized and never been waged. He has a plan to restore the American Dream through increasing education opportunities and improving programs in low income communities. He wants to pay teachers more and talk to both our friends and our enemies.

We are at a time in our history where we cannot accept 4 more years of George Bush through John McCain or the continued divisions that Washington places at the forefront of every discussion. We are at a turning point in this nation where we need change, and Barack Obama is ready to bring that change.

As I travel this summer in my volunteer and possible intern travels with the campaign, I will utilize this blog to update my friends and family at home about my experiences on the campaign trail. I will also use this blog to document the turning points in the coming general election battle against John McCain and to ensure that Senator Obama's record is accurate, rather than smeared by the 527s of the right.

Feel free to comment/contact me as I would love to recieve feedback, just please be sure to be mature about it and if you have a disagreement with me on Sen. Obama's policies, to voice them in a intelligent way and we can have a discussion about it.
As May comes to an end, and June 3 is just on the horizon...Bring it on John McCain....Millions of Americans are ready to STAND FOR CHANGE and say YES WE CAN!

In Closing:

"I'm asking you to believe...not just in my ability to bring about real change in Washington...I'm asking you to believe in yours" - Senator Barack Obama