Monday, June 16, 2008

The Choice We Have

Today, as Al Gore announces his support for Senator Obama, and as thousands of Obama Fellows in High-Needs States begin their organizing work, we must remember the choice in this election. This is not about two candidates, or even the issues that they agree or disagree on. This election is about the opportunity for Change in America, and the opportunity to restore the American Dream. Yes, there are issues that help define which candidate can actually bring that change, but we cannot lose sight of the big picture. Senator Barack Obama for over two decades has fought for Change in his community, in his state, and now for his country. We all honor the service of John McCain, and at no time should that service be questioned. However, as well look towards the challenges that face this country and the decisions that must be made in the next 4 years, we all must realize the severity of the situation we face.

John McCain has served this country honorably, but that does not entitle him to the White House. He claims he is a maverick, who has broken away from his party, and this president, many times. John McCain is right in some of those times, he has disagreed with his party, but many of those times were before 2006. As the 2008 Republican Primary approached, John McCain began to move back towards his party. In 2007, McCain voted with the Bush Administration 95% of the time. The John McCain of 2000, a candidate who I may have supported, has been corrupted by Washington politics and is now running for a 3rd Bush term.

In contrast, Sen. Obama has not been corrupted by Washington, and in fact as early as 2006 was still viewed as a rookie who didn't understand how the city worked. In a time where Washington politics are stuck in gridlock and partisan bickering, the last thing this country needs is more "Washington Experience" that clouds a politician's vision and judgement. Sen. Obama has risen above the partisan divide and has reached across the aisle to help push for ethics reform, budget management and social issues such as health care and education. Sen. Obama believes in the American spirit and its ability to overcome the challenges of an economy in recession, two international wars and the growing health care crisis, but he also believes that the next president must help Americans along the way. He doesn't believe in a socialist system, or in only taxing the rich as ads from the GOP may claim...instead, he believes in giving opportunity to EVERY AMERICAN and helping EVERYONE reach the American Dream.

This election must be different...we cannot get caught up in the bickering about pastors or wives or acquaintances from the past. Instead, we must focus on the pressing problems facing this country today, so that the correct solutions will be implemented tomorrow. This is our time to make a difference in the lives of millions. This is our chance to restore the American Dream and build a better America for the generations of tomorrow. Don't let this opportunity pass you by, don't let yourself become complacent in this important election. Whether it is a donation of $5 or $500, whether you make 10 or 10,000 phone calls, whether you attend one volunteer event or host 5, this is our chance to make our voice heard, and to be apart of a movement that's goal is to restore the greatness of America.

Together, we will UNITE for CHANGE that we can BELIEVE in and that WORKS for us.

Barack Obama provides that Change, and with our help, he will be sworn into office on January 20, 2009.

Please Visit! There are so many ways that YOU can get involved, and through getting involved, you are playing a role in this movement for Change.

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